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What Is the Difference Between an AC Unit and a Mini Split?

Air conditioning can help improve your home’s air quality, better your sleep, and protect your belongings from overheating. You can install either AC units or mini split systems to regulate your home’s temperatures and enhance comfort. Mainstream Heating and Cooling can assess your home to determine your ideal system and offer quality air conditioner installation.

What Is an AC Unit?

An AC unit is a system that uses a series of vents or ducts to distribute cool air throughout a home. It consists of three components: a compressor, a condenser, and an air handler, which cools warm air and distributes the cool air through ducts.

Mainstream Heating and Cooling provides AC units for different price points and energy-saving goals. Our premium AC systems include the Trane XL16c and Trane XV18 XC95m. We also offer economy systems like the Trane XR14c and Trane XR14 80% TUE. Our energy-saving systems include Trane XL15c and Trane XL14c. We can install any system you buy from us, and you don’t need to find a separate contractor to handle the installation.

What Is a Mini-Split Unit?

A mini-split unit is an indoor device containing an evaporator, an air filter, and a blower. The outdoor unit consists of a compressor, condenser coils, and an outdoor fan. These indoor and outdoor units are connected by a conduit containing a refrigerant line, power cable, and condensate drain.

Our mini-split air conditioner options range from 16 SEER 8.2 HSPF to 27 SEER 10.0 HSPF. We offer a 5-10 year limited warranty on our units’ functional parts, and you may not incur additional costs if your system needs repair.

What Are the Differences?

The main difference between the two units lies in how cool air is fed into a home. An AC unit uses ducts to distribute air, but a mini-split system doesn’t. Cool air moves directly from a mini-split system’s indoor unit to the room where it’s installed.

The two units also differ in terms of control. An AC unit supplies cool air throughout your house, and all the rooms in your home will have the same air temperature. A mini-split system gives you control over individual rooms. You can install indoor units in different rooms and have different temperature settings for each one.

Mainstream Heating and Cooling offers single-zone and multi-zone mini-split systems. Our specialists can install a single zone unit if you’re adding a new room to your home to avoid redesigning existing systems to accommodate the new room. We can install a multi-zone system if you have many rooms but would like each one to have different temperature settings.

Get Quality Air Conditioner Installation 

To maximize the benefits of air conditioning, you can get either AC units or mini-split systems for your house. The units can improve air quality and cool your home but differently. AC units distribute cool air throughout a home using ducts, whereas mini-split systems distribute cool air directly from their indoor units.

Mainstream Heating and Cooling offers quality air conditioner installation to residents in Clarksville, Montgomery County, and surrounding areas. Our skilled technicians conduct diagnoses and offer repair and installation to enhance customer satisfaction. You can’t go wrong by choosing us for all your heating and cooling needs. Request a free estimate today!